Friday, January 21, 2011
Wow this week has gone fast...
It has been really really nice actually using my brain instead of thinking about feeds, sleep times and dirty nappies lol and having adult time without babies has been very different but nice!
So unfortunately there was no "gym" as such but I did a hard boxing class on Monday nights. MY GOD!!! 45 minutes of intense boxings and cardio with some weights. Bootcamp on Tuesday, walking Wednesday, Thursday and having an off day today.
Sunday I will have bootcamp again so we will be doing a circut weights class and the girls cant wait. I have very full classes now and the girls are bringing along more friends each week. I may have to see about starting up another night and getting someone to look after the little one for a couple of hours.
I am still down another kg this week which is nice even though I havent been at the gym as such and not eating my usual as I hve not been very organised. I have done a big shop today and will make sure all my meals are sorted this weekend so I will not run into any problems during the week.
I have a big weekend this weekend with hens nights and baby showers. I have allocated Saturday night as my "cheat meal" so I can have a couple of drinks and not worry to much. So long as I do my cardio workout in the morning and LOTS of dancing that night I will work off all the calories lol
So just a short update this week and not too in depth with the diet and workouts!!!!
Happy Training
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Good fun :)
I am thinking of buying a banner to put up when I am training people so people walking or driving buy can get my contact details :)
I would love to do more classes but hubby is out Monday and Thursday nights so it makes it hard as we need someone at home for the baby. Maybe in another few months we might be able to work something out. I much prefer personal training to sitting behind a desk, I figured if I do 3-4 classes a week I will be earning about the same but only working 4 hours lol
I have been working out every day,weights 3 days, bootcamp 2 days, running 1 day, walking 3 days. Along with tightening my diet this has seen me drop 4kgs in the past month.
My diet has consisted of
M1- egg white omelette
M2 - chicken and a cup of salad or veggies with pineapple
M3 - tuna or salmon and veggies
M4 - nuts with protein shake
M5 - fish or chicken with veggies or stir fry with lamb
If still hungry I might have a protein shake
Once a week I have a cheat meal and some red wine, yummo :)
I am nearly back to pre preggo weight, only 4 more kgs to go, yay. (why oh why did i put on so much lol). Then buckle down for comp prep for NABBA/WWFsouthern hemispheres in May!!!!
Happy Training x
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
It seems that everyone’s New Years resolutions are in full swing. The gym is packed the streets are busy with fitness enthusiasts!
Almost everyone is back at work and getting back into a routine. I’m sure there are many diets that have also started this week. Hopefully if you have started a diet you are getting enough calories and not restricting too much. Remember protein, carbs and fat at every meal.
I can’t stress enough the importance of protein. Protein is a part of every cell of your body. It is a major structural component of cells; skin, hair, nails and bone. It is the necessary raw material from which your body makes the enzymes critical for functioning. It is necessary for the production of neurotransmitters which affect your mind and mood. Protein (with fat) is the base material of the immune system. Without protein there is no life. You cannot make protein. It must be consumed every day in sufficient quantities to replace daily losses.
To calculate your daily protein you need to work out your desired body weight, ________kg, times 1 to 1.2 grams, = ___________grams of protein per day.
Example 60kg x 1.2 = 72g protein (this is the minimum)
Good sources of protein include:
* Eggs (6 grams per each)
* lean meat, fish, poultry (25-30 grams per 3.5 oz)
* tofu (20 grams per cup)
* milk (8-9 grams per cup)
* yoghurt (8-10 grams per cup)
* cottage cheese (25 grams per cup)
* nuts and seeds (2-3 grams per tablespoon)
* oatmeal (5 grams per cup)
* most fruits (1 gram per fruit)
* vegetables 1-3 grams per 1/2cup)
If you are new to working out or want some extra moves and great motivation, grab a copy of the new Oxygen Women’s Workout Annual. Its AUD $11.95 from most newsagencies and is definitely worth a look.
Happy Training xxx
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had a great 2010 but I am very excited about the adventures of 2011.
I do not believe in New Years resolutions as I truly think that if you really want to do something you do it now not tomorrow!!
So, I have a list of things I will accomplish this year.
These include:
< compete in May;
< completing my PT certification;
< have 3 full fitness classes each week;
< compete in September/October and make the top 5;
This year will be a year for me and getting myself back to a place where I am truly happy with my physique. Since having my baby, I have lost almost all the weight but still have some work to do.
He is an amazing little boy and I have loved watching him grow and develop. He is changing all the time and is such a joy in my life.
I am very thankful that he is a healthy and happy baby which makes it easy for me to drop him off at the creche 3 to 4 times a week so I can work out at the gym.
So, I hope you all have a great ‘to do list’ also for 2011 and join me on my quest to the stage in 2011 :)
Happy Training xox